Configuring the dashboard

For the full documentation on dashboards within Vumi Go, please refer to the Vumi Go Dashboard documentation. This section of the documentation will describe how to use each of the metrics helper functions in the context of creating a Vumi Go dashboard.


For all of the following sections, it is assumed that the metrics are being applied to this sample Vumi Go JavaScript Sandbox application:

var vumigo = require('vumigo_v02');
var MetricsHelper = require('go-jsbox-metrics-helper');

var App = vumigo.App;
var Choice = vumigo.states.Choice;
var ChoiceState = vumigo.states.ChoiceState;
var EndState = vumigo.states.EndState;

var SimpleApp = App.extend(function(self) {, 'states:start');

    self.init = function() {
        new MetricsHelper(;
        // Add metrics here

    self.states.add('states:start', function(name) {
        return new ChoiceState(name, {
            question: 'Tea or coffee?',

            choices: [
                new Choice('tea', 'Tea'),
                new Choice('coffee', 'Coffee')],

            next: function(choice) {
                return {
                    tea: 'states:tea',
                    coffee: 'states:coffee'

    self.states.add('states:tea', function(name) {
        return new EndState(name, {
            text: 'Meh. Bye.',
            next: 'states:start'

    self.states.add('states:coffee', function(name) {
        return new EndState(name, {
            text: 'Cool :) Bye.',
            next: 'states:start'

Total Unique Users and Sessions

For the functions total_unique_users() and func:total_sessions, the following is an example of using the functions to add metrics to the basic application:

new MetricsHelper(

This will add four new metrics; unique_users, a metric with a last aggregation method that contains the current sum of unique users, and unique_users.transient, a metric with the sum aggregation method that is fired every time a new unique user accesses the service, total_sessions a metric with the last aggregation method which will contain the total amount of sessions, and total_sessions.transient, which is a metric with the sum aggregation method which fires every time a new session is started.

The following is an example for use of these metrics in the Vumi Go Dashboard:

    "type": "diamondash.widgets.lvalue.LValueWidget",
    "name": "Total new unique users",
    "time_range": "1d",
    "target": {
        "metric_type": "account",
        "store": "teaorcoffee",
        "name": "unique_users",
        "aggregator": "last"
    "type": "diamondash.widgets.graph.GraphWidget",
    "name": "Total sessions over the past 30 days",
    "width": 12,
    "time_range": "30d",
    "bucket_size": "1d",
    "metrics": [
            "name": "Unique Users",
            "target": {
                "metric_type": "account",
                "store": "teaorcoffee",
                "name": "total_sessions.transient",
                "aggregator": "sum"

The first widget will produce a text block with the total unique users over all time, with a comparison to the value from one day ago.

The second widget will produce a line graph, showing the total new sessions per day for the last 30 days.

Total State Actions and Sessions Until State

The functions total_state_actions() and sessions_until_state() are best invoked using the trigger() function. The following is an example of using this function to add metrics to the basic application:

new MetricsHelper(
        action: 'enter',
        state: 'states:tea'
    }, {
        total_state_actions: 'total_tea',
        sessions_until_state: 'sessions_per_tea'

This will add three new metrics; total_tea, a metric with a last aggregation method that contains the total amount of enter events on the states:tea state; total_tea.transient, a metric with a sum aggregation method that is fired every time the enter event on the states:tea state is triggered; and sessions_per_tea, a metric with an avg aggregation method, which is triggered every time the enter event of the states:tea state is triggered, and contains the number of sessions taken to get to that event.

The following is an example of using these metrics in a Vumi Go Dashboard:

    "type": "diamondash.widgets.lvalue.LValueWidget",
    "time_range": "1d",
    "name": "Total tea drinkers",
    "target": {
        "metric_type": "account",
        "store": "teaorcoffee",
        "name": "total_tea",
        "aggregator": "last"
    "type": "diamondash.widgets.lvalue.LValueWidget",
    "time_range": "1d",
    "name": "Average sessions until tea is chosen",
    "target": {
        "metric_type": "account",
        "store": "teaorcoffee",
        "name": "sessions_per_tea",
        "aggregator": "avg"
    "type": "diamondash.widgets.graph.GraphWidget",
    "name": "Weekly tea consumption for the last 30 days",
    "width": 12,
    "time_range": "30d",
    "bucket_size": "7d",
    "metrics": [{
        "name": "Tea",
        "target": {
            "metric_type": "account",
            "store": "teaorcoffee",
            "name": "total_tea.transient",
            "aggregator": "sum"

The first widget will create a text block showing the total amount of tea drinkers, with a comparison to the total amount of tea drinkers from one day ago.

The second widget will show the average amount of sessions taken to get to the tea state, with a comparison to the amount from one day ago.

The last widget is a line graph that shows the amount of tea drinkers, grouped by week, over the last 30 days.

Time Between States

The function time_between_states() is best invoked using the tracker() function. The following is an example application within the basic application:

new MetricsHelper(
        action: 'enter',
        state: 'states:start'
    }, {
        action: 'enter',
        state: 'states:coffee'
    }, {
        time_between_states: 'time_between_start_and_coffee'

This will add one metric, time_between_start_and_coffee, with the aggregation method avg, which stores the average time in milliseconds taken to get from the enter event of the states:start state to the enter event of the states:coffee state.

The following is an example of using this metric within the Vumi Go Dashboard:

    "type": "diamondash.widgets.graph.GraphWidget",
    "name": "Average time taken to choose coffee",
    "time_range": "30d",
    "bucket_size": "7d",
    "metrics": [{
        "name": "Coffee",
        "target": {
            "metric_type": "account",
            "store": "teaorcoffee",
            "name": "time_between_start_and_coffee",
            "aggregator": "avg"

This will create a graph widget which shows the average time taken to choose coffee per week, for the last 30 days.